(Last updated 2024-03-01) Hi! Alex here! I hope you're here for some [[slices of pie]]. See below for more about me. # about me [GitHub](https://github.com/adzcai) | [Twitter](https://twitter.com/adzcai) | [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/adzcai/) | alexcai AT college DOT harvard DOT edu | [Anonymous Feedback](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScABEzSMDQ95Kwdp-zyuFqdeXcW85cDV8wBF_0NOcLQFPfuzg/viewform?usp=sf_link) ^socials ## [[Harvard]] statblock | House | Year | Concentration | Secondary | Citation | | --------------------------------------- | ------ | ------------------------------------------- | ----------- | -------- | | [Currier](https://youtu.be/AxK4plRcrxY) | Junior | AB in Joint Stats CS and SM in Applied Math | Linguistics | German | # about this One key question I asked myself was: why should I bother trying to (re)explain something if there's probably much better explanations out there on the Internet from those with more expertise? (2023-05-16) and also a bajillion Richard Feynman simulacra lying in the inscrutable (though decreasingly so) matrices of open-source language models? I answer: - Well, who's gonna stop me? (Though if I write something you think is an infohazard please do) - Nobody comes out of the womb knowing multivariate calculus. (Remind me to fact check this a few years from now.) Growth mindset, everyone starts somewhere, etc. - I occasionally have new ideas! What's acai pie? I have no idea if it's a real thing -- sounds tasty -- but my name is A Cai, and it rhymes, and I figured acai $\pi$ would be too esoteric. Sorry if links break -- this is more of a "[work with the garage door up](https://notes.andymatuschak.org/About_these_notes?stackedNotes=z21cgR9K3UcQ5a7yPsj2RUim3oM2TzdBByZu)" kind of experiment rather than a nice and polished project. This website is made with [[Obsidian]] Publish. I am an avid Obsidian acolyte.